Let me introduce myself.

My name is Mischa Maxwell. I’m an escort, companion, giver-of-massages and your perfect distraction from the world.

Playful and charming, attentive and cheeky.... I aim to please. Whether it be lively debate over lunch, 'bed sports' combined with tickling, or a long sensuous afternoon spent together, your wish is my desire.  

My client list is small and I prefer it that way. I like to keep things in single digits. I believe it was Shakespeare who uttered the immortal phrase, 'Discretion is the better part of valour', and he was absolutely correct.

I like to think of myself as the perfect temporary girlfriend.

Thank you for your interest in me, and congratulations on stepping out of your comfort zone! I’ll let you in on a secret- you're not the only one with butterflies. Maybe it’s because I only have a few clients, but I get nervous before each and every date.

I should warn you though- if you’re expecting a woman with knee-high leather boots, a replica Louis Vuitton handbag and thick makeup to meet you, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

However, if you notice a young lady who is tastefully dressed in business casual attire with a small amount of makeup and a big smile, that’s me!

Please take the time to scroll through my website and check back again soon- it's very much a work in progress!

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